

                                  代表  福岡市議会議員 高 山 博 光

                                   【事務局】 『MASUKI情報デスク』 増 木 重 夫  
 〒565-0874  大阪府吹田市古江台2-10-13-3F  TEL 090-3710-4815   FAX 06-6835-0974  

TOP 趣  旨 参 加 者 活  動 ハーグ条
皆様からのご意見 公式チラシ 公式署名用紙

 趣 意    (平成19年9月5日 米国大使館 政務次席 マーク、ナッパー氏に手交)

The Nation of Justice and Democracy...the United States of America
September 5, 2007
Mr. J. Thomas Schieffer
Your Excellency, The American Ambassador to Japan

Dear Mr. J. Thomas Schieffer,
 The resolution of accusing Japanese comfort women problem was adopted in The House of Representatives on July 30 of this year.
The resolution was completely untrue. An apology for such is impossible. The so called "comfort women resolution" is a fabrication of history and an unjust accusation, a distorted political purpose serving the Chinese and Korean governments.

The United States and Japan have been allied since the end of World War II. But now your country betrayed us and broke our friendship and trust. I hear this resolution of the United States Congress may prompt several countries such as Canada, Holland, and the Philippines to follow your foot steps. If this issue dispreads, the honor and national interest of our country will surely be ruined. For such reason, we do request the resolution to be withdrawn immediately. If this issue is not dealt with sincerity, we have no choice but to start a national campaign to call on America for an apology as per below.

To The United States of America,
First and foremost, we demand of your apology for having dropped a nuclear bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

Secondly, we demand of your apology for having destroyed 64 cities and other sites throughout Japan under a random air raid!
Nuclear bombs were dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and Nagasaki three days later, on August 9th. Approximately 140,000 people in Hiroshima and over 70,000 in Nagasaki were killed in a blink of an eye. The United States dropped these "evil bombs" in the central part of the city where common people live and innocent lives were destroyed. After the bombings, severalfold "A-Bomb Victims" resulted and suffered terrible illnesses caused by the radiation of these nuclear bombs for over 62 years. These incidences are beyond description, therefore noone can tell the actual damage and cruelty that followed after these bombings. Are the citizens of your country aware of these facts? Are "you" aware of these sufferings? The usages of the weapon of mass destruction is a criminal act against all mankind.
Here are some Articles extracted from the "Convention respecting the Laws and Customs of War on Land(Hague W)"
Art. 22 of the Convention says, "The right of belligerents to adopt means of injuring the enemy is not unlimited."
 Art.23, which is well-known as the special prohibited article, says, "In addition to the prohibitions provided by special Conventions, it is especially forbidden - To employ arms, projectiles, or material calculated to cause unnecessary suffering;"
Art.25 says, "The attack or bombardment, by whatever means, of towns, villages, dwellings,or buildings which are undefended is prohibited."
And Art.27 says, "In sieges and bombardments all necessary steps must be taken to spare, as far as possible,buildings dedicated to religion, art, science, or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals, and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not being used at the time for military purposes."

The above extraction will help you to understand that it is quite clear of the United States of America's breach of all prohibited matters of the "Hague Convention". The U.S. clearly committed illegal acts in violation of the international law.
I repeat, the release of the weapon of mass destruction is a crime against all human beings. This act is a complete foul deed which ignores the championship of human rights, just as the Holocaust against the Jews. Furthermore, there were attacks on 64 cities in Japan and killing 900,000 citizens by random air raids. There are no similar atrocities in history period. The United States, widely violating the international law, should be the first to apologize to Japan for such cruelty before calling on our nation regarding the comfort women issue.
After World War II, the U.S. Army landed and occupied Japan. The first thing your Army did, was to force us to prepare many "houses of brothels" for your soldiers. Many Japanese young girls and women were taken to those houses and forced to sell their bodies. The U.S. should be the one to apologize to Japan before daring to ask us for an apology.

If there are no good faith to this matter, we will be forced to organize a national movement insisting on an apology from the United States government, for the use of nuclear weapons against Hiroshima and Nagasaki; a holocaust of 64 cities throughout Japan.

We bring forth this matter for your humanity.

Sincerely yours,

Very truly yours,
Takayama Hiromitsu
City Councilor of Fukuoka

The Society of the Councilors and Citizens
- seeking U.S. apology for the usage of the weapon of mass destruction on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

【office】  MASUKI,inf,desk Shigeo Masuki
〒565-0874  2-10-13-3F Furuedai Suita city Oosaka pref.
TEL 090-3710-4815   FAX 06-6835-0974


貴国と我が国は戦後同盟体制で結ばれ歩んで参りました。ところが今回、その貴国が我が国を裏切り、友情と信頼を壊してしまったのです。この議会決議をきっ かけにカナダ、オランダ、フィリピン等の国々が追随する動きがあることも聞き及んでおります。この問題が今後拡大すれば、我が国の名誉と国益が大きく損な われることは言うまでもありません。故に、私たちはこの決議案が撤回されることを強く要望いたします。もし万一、誠実なる対応がない場合は、下記の通り貴 国の謝罪を求め、米国の2度の原爆投下と、64都市への無差別爆撃に対しての謝罪を求める国民運動を提起せざるを得なくなります。以上、申し入れます。

  米国は、原子爆弾を1945年8月6日広島に、同年8月9日長崎に投下しました。一瞬にして広島では約14万の人々が、長崎では7万以上の人々が命を落と しました。米国は、一般市民の住むド真中に邪悪な原子爆弾を落としたのです。その後、数倍にも及ぶ原爆被爆者がうまれ、今日まで戦後62年間、その原爆症 に苦しみ続けているのです。原爆投下のひどさ、無残さを筆舌に表わすことなど到底出来るものではありません。米国民は、この日本国民の苦痛を知っているの でしょうか!! 
陸 戦条約の第22条には「害敵手段ノ選択ニ付、無制限ノ権利ヲ有スルモノニ非ズ。」とあります。 第23条には「不必要ノ苦痛ヲ与フヘキ兵器、投射物其ノ他 ノ物質ヲ使用スルコト」と特別禁止事項と規定され、 第25条には「防守セザル都市、村落、住宅又ハ建物ハ、如何ナル手段ニ依ルモ、之ヲ攻撃又ハ砲撃スル コトヲ得ズ。」と明記され、 更に第27条には「攻囲及砲撃ヲ為スニ当リテハ、宗教、技芸、学術及慈善ノ用ニ供セラルル建物、歴史上ノ紀念建造物、病院並 病者及傷者ノ収容 所ハ、同時ニ軍事上ノ目的ニ使用セラレザル限、之ヲシテ成ルベク損害ヲ免レシムル為、必要ナル一切ノ手段ヲ執ルベキモノトス。」とあります。
  繰り返しますが、原爆投下は人類に対する犯罪です。無差別爆撃やホローコスト同様人権擁護を完全に無視しています。更に、大都市から64都市を無差別爆撃 し90万人を殺しています。このような国際法違反も歴史上ありません。国際法に大きく違反している米国は、慰安婦問題で日本に謝罪を求める前に、先ず日本 に謝まるべきなのです。米国が日本占領後にまず真っ先にした事、それは米兵のための慰安所の建設でした。そのために多くの日本人婦女子が集められ売春をさ せられたのです。慰安婦問題で我々に謝罪を求める前に、まず謝罪すべきはアメリカなのです!

平成19(2007)年9月5日                福岡市議会議員 高 山 博 光

【事務所】  『MASUKI情報デスク』 増木重夫
〒565-0874  大阪府吹田市古江台2−10−13−3F
TEL 090-3710-4815   FAX 06-6835-0974